Three day sculpture course with Christine Baxter. Itinerary
Residential arrive THE THURSDAY EVENING BEFORE. 3 course Dinner with Christine and group at 7.30pm Non-Residential arrive 9am on Friday.
FridayPortrait in clay, Breakfast 8.30am Studio 10am till 12.30 lunch then 1.30 till 4.30. Dinner at 7pm.
SaturdayMake a plaster animal and learn about Armature making. . Breakfast 8am, Studio 9.30am till 12.30 lunch then 1.30 till 4.30. Dinner at 7pm.
Sunday,Take the portrait heads out of the kiln, learn Welding Skills and Metal Fabrication. Breakfast 8am, Studio 9.30am till 12.30 lunch then 1.30 finish at 4.00. to go home.